Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Compact Digital Camera

We got a digital camera for Christmas. I will walk you through some of the things that we were looking for and what we ended up buying.

We are casual picture-takers - weddings, graduations, birthdays, Christmas, soccer games, not very many every-day pictures unless there is a nice sunset or something. We needed a camera that was small with a good zoom for those shots from far away.

We have a 3 mega pixel Kodak camera. Things that we didn't like about it: no zoom, the loss of quality when enlarging pictures and the long delay between pressing the shutter button and the taking of the picture.

I took a look at Kodak, Sony and Canon cameras. The Sony was a little expensive and had a 3x zoom, the Kodak also had the 3x zoom and had the same slow shutter as our current camera.

When I looked at the Canon SD850 a saw a nice feature rich camera with 4x zoom and quick response, so we bought it!


1 comment:

Rutu said...

Yeap I believe Canon are best for digital cameras. SO you made a great choice!
