Thursday, January 17, 2008

Gesture to get your point across

First, we thought people using wireless headsets were talking to themselves, now high tech devices are getting gesture reading abilities. Give them a wand and they will be looking like Harry Potter. What will they think of next?

Nokia patents gesture user interface (from Gizmodo)

According to patents, Nokia has developed a user-interface that goes beyond multitouch, and into the realm of tracking hand motions in three-dimensional
space. The gestures look complicated, and I'm worried it might take longer to learn than Palm's Graffiti writing, but I'm willing to start with the one-finger commands (select, rotate, delete) before moving on to the two-fingered stuff (zoom, resize, etc.).

Nokia Patent (Gizmodo)

Tech devices respond to gestures (from Yahoo news)

Several new gadgets make it possible for users to control them just by using hand gestures. Similar to the popular bowling video game for Nintendo's Wii console, two new cell phones sold in Japan offer a bowling game that responds to users swinging their phones by detecting the movement through a camera and springs. One new PC tracks different finger signs, so a user can thumb left to scroll left. One prototype TV lets users gesture, plus snap or clap, to change the channel or adjust the volume.
From Yahoo News

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