Friday, January 11, 2008

Sony HDD Video camera HDR-S12

Sony HDD (hard disk drive) Video camcorder

Last CES article. I selected this item today because it is a new video camera and it is at the high end of the consumer price range. The point is, when you are going to buy a camcorder, you should know the upper limit of current technology.

It's not realistic for me to recommend this $1400 camcorder, but perhaps a smaller sibling would be interesting. Probably in about nine or ten months you should be able to find an HDR-UX10 High-Definition DVD Handycam Camcorder for less than $500 or a DCR-SR65 40GB Hard Drive Handycam Camcorder for $250.

Sony HDR-S12 on Gizmodo
Sony's 2008 camcorder lineup

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